
Blog post 6 - My blogging experience

My experience with the blogs was interesting and new, I liked the topics, some more that others. And the mimimun of words was good, it wasn’t demanding. The experience was new because I never did this type of activities in English, I only did listenig and reading, but never writting.  What I liked most about the blogs was learn more about the writing skills and new words. I feel like my writting skills improved a litlle, but it could be better. It is difficult to me writting in english because I know what I want to write but I don’t know how to write it, and the verbal tenses make more difficult for me. In the future I would like to see more topics of thing we like, or maybe write stories in orden to devolep better the creativity and the writting skill. Also, it would be interesting write little review about books that we like. I don’t know what other topics but the blogs were a excelente form to learn and exercise more the writting skill. 

Blog post 5 - A subject I have enjoyed studying this year

In this year I have differents and interesting subjects but the subject I most enjoyed studying is “Historia social de América Latina” by the professor Carlos Ruiz in this semestre. This class is online through Zoom and during the class the teacher realized a lecture of the class, without notes or power point and later, when we finished, we have to read differents texts about that we seen in class. This class is a little dense but is very interesting.   The main content we learn is about the especificity that latin america have and the fundation myth present in the history. And now, we are learning about the conformation of the differents states, nations and the societys in latin america in the 20th century. I like this subject because I found very interesting knowing about the history of latín america because we don’t learn so much about it in school. Also I think is important to learn and know the especificity in latín america and the differents cultures and the differents ty...

A photograph I like

I took this picture on December 20th, 2019 in the “Festival of Chinese Lights”. This festival was in “Parque de la Familia”, Santiago. In the picture appears one of the lights that the festival have. I like this picture because it was a nice experience and all the lights were amazing and they seen so beautiful at night. I went with my boyfriend to the festival and we have a great time seeing the lights, eating the food and taking pictures. All the festival was great and pretty. Also, at the festival there were people on stage doing tradional Chinese dances. I would like to learn more about Chinese culture, because I found very interesting the diversity of tradición and festivities this culture have. If in the future this festival return to Santiago, I would like to go again, because is a nice, beautufil and amazing experience.    

Blog 3 - A person or expert in your field that you admire

Julieta Kirkwood was a chilean sociologist, political scientist and considered one of the promoters of the feminist movement in Chile. She was born on April 5, 1936 in Santiago, Chile and died on April 8, 1985 in Santiago, Chile. She has done a lot of interesting research and work about the woman and gender from a feminist perspective. Her most famous books are: “Ser política en Chile: las feministas y los partidos”, “Tejiendo rebeldías" y “Feminarios”. What I find interesting and I like about her is the way she study gender issues through sociology. Also, she go deeper into the social senses of the feminine woman, her identity and her connection with the structures of domination that exist in the chilean society and its institutions. I found about her this year, in first semestre in the subject "Introduction to sociology". I think is very important to know about more woman in social sciences because in this area men and their studies have more recognition than women...

Blog post 2 - My favourite piece of technology

My mon gave me my first one when I was 10 or 11 years old, I dont remerber. I didn’t use more often in that time, because it wasn’t very entertaining. Later years my mon buy me a new one or I buy it, but not often, only if is necessary. This object has not parts. It is used with the fingers. I like it because I can access a lot of information and comunicate at the same time. I can also use it for entertainment watching videos or listenign to music. Makes the life a little easier. The bad thing is I use it to much and that is not so good. So I try to not use it too much and use other devices. I don’t know if I could live without it.

Blog post 1: Why you chose this career?

  Hi, welcome to my blog. 😊 When I was a child I wanted to be a forensic athropologist, because I really liked the main character in a series. The main character was a forensic anthropologist and I found that she was very interesting and cool. When I was in high school I star to think about what I wanted to do in the future. I think in many options. I wanted to be a comercial engineer, because I like the economy part about that degree, but not like the part of business administration, so I wasn´t sure about studying that. I also thought about studying pedagogy in history, because history was my favorite subject in high school, but i wasn´t sure either. So when I graduated from high school I took a sabbatical year, where I looked for other careers that would be more interesting to me. So I decided to study sociology because has what I wanted in history and it is very interesting how society evolves by multiple factors or how societies have features that come from more older societi...